Looking at my personal dev notes, I actually have a rough concept for one such scene... I guess I just never had the chance to implement it. I wonder if I'll still be able to make it before the final game's release.
I don't know what that guy is talking about 😅 none of the bad endings were even vore. Nothing against vore, but if some bozo goes calling relatively tame fetishes 'disgusting' while (presumably) crying for more vore content.... yikes! 😬
actually you can't change those buttons, I've tried and it won't let me. I don't have this problem on the web version. The only one that works is by pressing 9 for the debug skills cheat.
Ah my bad. I've indeed implemented reconfigurable controls for the debug keys, but only on the most recent versions on patreon. This free version here on itch is an outdated version where the debug controls are unfortunately fixed like that.
It's inside a hidden room, located around dead-center in the middle of the floors. You can identify it because you've probably used the skill to slide down underneath it, as there is a long 1-space-tall tunnel under it. There are 2 ways to enter it, either from above or by pushing a box to the right and sliding inside.
Just tried this game and I have a few things to say. First off, I love it! It's quite hot, especially certain endings. Buuut it does have some downsides.
I should note, I am not trying to be harsh here, this is my honest critique from my experience. It's a good game, and it has the potential to be amazing, it just needs a bit of work to make certain parts more fun.
1: Currently, there's not much variety with the enemy types in terms of animations. Don't get me wrong, the fact that they ALL have animations specific to them is a big plus over a good few other games of this "genre" I've tried. But at the core, a good majority of the enemy animations (including some bosses) simply amount to "get dicked". Not inherently a bad thing given personal preferences for who to get dicked by. However, it does become a problem when there are SOME enemies with unique animations, especially ones that are rather "in-depth". For example, the dog enemy in the markets has a full multi-scene "ending" involving multiple fetishes. As another example the crystal enemy in the mines is completely unique as an ending (even amongst other games I've played, it's a very rare ending). But that is two enemies with more in-depth animations, all the others are variations of "get fucked", with one or two involving going inside the monster in question. I'm hoping that this is simply a "TBD" thing, and that more monsters will get their own unique extra scenes.
2: The bossfights, past the first two or three, become absolutely tedious. Now, I'm not sure if this is simply me having missed powerups or items or what - especially as I wasn't really going for the powerups, a good majority of them were in places I didn't have a clue to get to and figured there'd be a double jump or something later to facilitate getting to them - but at some point I found progression into the next boss to be completely and totally tedious. The boss fights did up in difficulty, yes, but even when you figure out the mechanics and are near-perfect in dodging them, you're still looking at a boss fight that's going to take the better part of five minutes or more to complete, simply because they have so much health. High-hp bosses isn't inherently a bad thing but when the attack patterns have so little variety, it just becomes a rinse repeat that quickly becomes boring. Especially as there's no checkpoints in the fight, so if you have the boss at half or less, and fail, you have to restart that minutes-long boss fight from the start. For some bosses in particular - like the Witch - this led to me simply giving up, because the fight was either taking way too long, or had so many mechanics that I couldn't possibly figure out how to beat it without cheating (and even then you get stunlocked because of the stagger mechanic and the inability to use debug commands a good bit after taking damage, making the boss fight take even longer). For the Witch in particular I figured I was missing an ability, which leads me into the next point...
3: The platforming in some areas is too difficult. I'm not sure what the difficulty of the game is supposed to be, but generally I would think games involving pornography are not supposed to be a slog. The platforming in this one is proving me a bit wrong. Now, don't get me wrong, platforming is meant to up in difficulty as you go along. BUT the difficulty in this game ramps up a bit too quickly, in my opinion. Going from the simple jumps in the first area to multiple stories in the second that almost immediately introduces long jumps, head-hitting jumps and other such jumps from the second room. By the third area it was numerous long, difficult jumps WHILE enemies are shooting at you or otherwise blocking the jump! I basically gave up come the fourth area because it was too difficult. At that point, when I gave up, there were enemies basically everywhere and falling at any point was basically guaranteed death - and not even the fun kind of death, no, the boring tedious death where you simply have to wait to die because there's no way to reset (can't f12 to rush to defeat because of taking damage not allowing debug). After giving up I figured I'd rush to the other areas using the teleportation feature, and I went to the very end of the fourth area, only to find... Enemies. Literally. Everywhere. I'm sincerely hoping that's simply a "congratulations on getting through this but there's nothing past this point" thing (I did get through it, painfully, to find the "end of dev" sign) because having that in the final product is honestly ridiculous.
TL;DR The bosses are a bit too tedious due to their hp being way too high, the platforming is frustrating at a certain point, and there needs to be a bit more variety in enemy animations.
Thanks for the constructive criticism. I'll address each of your points in order: 1) I can see where you're coming from, but unfortunately I can say right now that most enemies will not be getting additional scenes. While indeed most of them can boil down to "getting dicked" as you said it, truth is that for most people that is honestly good enough. Besides, it would be an herculean effort to have not only more than just 1 scene for all enemies, but also coming up with totally unique scenarios for each of them. That said, this is something that I'll definitely keep in mind for my future next project. 2) Agreed, some of the later bosses become too much of a "bullet sponge" as they say, with too much health. This is something that I'm aware of and when I do the final balancing pass of the game I will tackle and resolve this issue, either with more easily accessible upgrades for Maya or with better balance of the boss' parameters. 3) Yeah this ties up with the above point: since the game is still in an alpha state of development, I simply didn't give much care at all to enemy/boss balancing, which is something that I have plans to do in a near future once I'm closer to completing the development of the game.
I find the game not very difficult, especially because some power ups do become busted (dash bypassing mobs, invincibility bypassing the spiky dungeon area , shockwave clearing all mobs on screen).
And I do want it to be difficult because I want to get those delicious game overs without playing bad on purpose.
That being said, I agree that some bosses have too much HP, and some bosses ramp in difficulty to the point of nonsense
(Mausolea overwhelms you with spawns and flies all over the screen, gives you no time to slash back at her. The Witch to the lesser extent, still too resilient, but at least she gives windows to attack her. On the other hand, Werewolf needs to be tougher~)
Yes, I have plans to build proper support for controllers, but it is low on the priority list so it will only come later, when I'm close to finishing the final 1.0 version of the game.
Hi, thank you for taking an interest in my game! Unfortunately, there will be no Android version of MKM. I will consider support for other OS when I begin new projects in the future, but for this current one, there will be no support.
Getting caught by an enemy while in a checkpoint (whether chess piece or level entrance) will cause you to respawn with negative health and spirit if you die.
Also a couple bosses are very damage-spongey, necessitating getting every attack upgrade for it to not feel tedious to beat.
Otherwise, I'm loving this game, it feels like it just keeps going and going, revealing new content when I thought I was approaching a finish point. For a 0.3 alpha there's so much good content in here.
Thank you for your feedback! Those bugs are fixed in the most recent versions. As for the bosses, indeed they require some fine tuning to account for different attack levels. I have planned a polishing/balancing development phase sometime in the future, to address those issues.
Inside the gallery stage? Maya has to be inside the physical location of the arena. When you enter the gallery stage, go to the left wall and there's a tunnel leading into the arena there. Once Maya is inside and you open the menu, the Arena option should appear.
Awesome game! May I ask, what’s in the full version that’s not currently in the free demo? Or are they the same for now? (The Itch.io version)
Also a few “bugs” I’ve noticed, in the castle if you duck and inspect the statue at the same time Maya will say a distorted version of the normal message. (Also is there anything I can do with that statue?)
Another one is at the marketplace right at the beginning. There’s 2 houses divided by a 2 wide gap, connected with platforms. If you jump down those platforms you can’t get back up.
other than that, awesome game! Glad I found it again after briefly stumbling across it on Reddit.
Im not really sure of location but I think you should have the fire upward attack by Market already. In that case you can use it as a movement skill and boost yourself to height normally unreachable.
Hi! I'm glad that you've enjoyed the game. Regarding the bugs, I appreciate the report and those are already fixed in more recent versions. Regarding the versions, currently the game is under active development so there's no real "full" version yet. The difference is that here on itch there is an outdated free version, and by supporting me on patreon for at least $2 you get access to the current more updated version that I keep releasing as a go along the development. The main difference thus is that the newer versions have new stages, enemies and therefore new erotic scenes for each of those, but in terms of overall gameplay it is more or less the same.
You need to have the "crimsom scepter", which is a teleporter item. Once you have it, open the pause menu and select the new option there called "Teleportation". Now select the save point you want to go to. If you don't have the scepter yet, hit the debug key F10 to be teleported to the beach boss, who guards that item.
I have two questions... First one - How can you unlock the leftmost gate in sewers (the one with upgrade behind) Second one - Is it intended when you are being "trained" by the dog guy in town that he can drag you through the save point which result in auto save and once respawning ending up with -100 hp?
1) Also in sewers, you have to setup an specific combination between the states of the 2 levers there. The right combination will open that gate. 2) Nope that is a bug! Thank you very much for the report, I'll fix it right away.
One of the best games I've played so far. 2 questions though, will the debug menu still be a thing on the finished game? (I hope so) and also sometimes while playing, my PC bluescreens (usually after 5-10 minutes of playing each time I load the game) but not when playing or doing anything else. Is this a unity issue or maybe a corrupted download?
All this aside, absolutely great work and looking forward to the finished game and beyond!
1) Debug/cheats are a possibility for the finished game, but it would reserved to some kind of secret unlock or cheat codes. 2) No one else had reported this kind of bug you're the first one, so I'm assuming that this is being caused by some weird combination of my game versus your system.
If you could please detail to me your system specs (OS, 64-bit system, memory size, etc) and which version/download are you using and I might be able to track down what could be causing this.
Hi. Yes I will release the final version 1.0 of the game in this year of 2023, but there is no specific date yet. It's just sometime this year. There will probably be a cheap price on the full version.
You can download it on mobile but it wont run at all since it is an incompatible code. At the moment no other builds of the game are in the plans, besides windows. I may consider looking into an Android build when I get closer to releasing the final version of the game, but even that is a big maybe.
Heya! Will the full version of the game be put up on sale on Itchio once it's finished? I'd love to play it but I usually only play finished games. This one seems really good!
Yes, the final completed version of the game (coming this year at some point) will be available here on itchio, as well as on other store fronts like steam, dlsite, nutaku, etc.
In my H-Game collection (And its pretty large one, dunno if something to be proud or shame of) this is one of the most precious treasure. Ammount of content is huge, levels are interesting and mechanics are cool also! Im not fan of vore, but I can get over it. Anyway.. can I ask you what engine and programs did you use to make this game? I was thinking for long time about trying to develop some game and since I have no previous experience I dont want to start with 3D game. My graphic skills are very low and this pixel style seems not so hard to learn (dont mean its easy but at least no rendering, skeletons etc.) altough still very good looking.
I'm glad that you've liked my game. I'll continue working and releasing newer versions with even more interesting content. The software that I use are: Programming/Game Logic: Unity and Microsoft Visual Studio Drawing/Pixel Art: Aseprite and Paint.net
It lets me use my gamepad on the menus but not in gameplay, it makes me hold down the alt key to run when it works but last try the alt key didnt work either. the control config doesnt let me change anything control wise, if yilou can help me to get to use my gamepad i may consider joining the patreon, the game is beautiful besides the control issyes
There are tutorials on how to convert from 64-bit to 32-bit with Unity, also for android. If you want, I'll give you one that I found, it's an automatic process.
I have an idea for your game. You thought about making a gameplay for the transformed Maya.
When playing as a monster (monsters of your race will not attack you while you are their race)
And also come up with a potion of reverse transformation into a human.
In this case, when playing for a monster, there will be a timer (loss of personality). When playing as a monster for too long, Maya forgets her duty as a knight and continues the life of the monster, forgetting what had to be done on her campaign.
And of course the unique gameplay for the monster (of course it sounds complicated).
Naturally, with the loss of all health, May simply dies (the animation of the monster she turned into)
As I remember the game would have become much more interesting and varied.
May i ask... What exactly is the purpose of the defense up tokens? I spend the entire game armorless, and there seems to be no way of getting it back (debug doesn't count)
Also, I'd love there to be feral canine or ogre enemies too, or perhaps rock golems who stomp the ground and stun you, then dash you before you can blink ~
It won't make that much of a difference against bosses, since most of them hit like a truck anyway (unless you play on baby easy mode). However it makes a WORLD of difference when backtracking for missed pickups.
uhm... I suppose the future updates will have more armor/clothes to go around, but as of now, I'm nude all the time, and when nude, the defense does nothing. I think.
Right, when Maya is wearing her armor the defense value mitigates some of the damage. But when naked, it doesn't matter how much defense rating she has. Indeed in future versions there will be a legit way to restore armor.
That idea came from a quicksandfans story involving samus, and a living slime pit that pulls her under, feeds off of lust energy, then spits her out alive and exhausted.
Just wanted to leave a comment cus last version was amazing, really enjoyed it, keep up the good work Megablueball! Looking forward to the full game, soon or later
Optional costumes/outfits are currently in the "maybe" list of ideas, and so it has a 50% chance of getting in the game. This also means that it is not guaranteed and it will depend on other factors.
It's the bronze (?) door. The one Not on the top floor. As you're taking the path to leave through the castle front doors, there's a stair way leading down.
Hello author.I would like that in the game with a centaur, in addition to the usual vore and futa, there was also a scene of transformation in May into a centaur (as with a wyvern, a bee girl and a moth girl).It's just that all the other scenes turn Maya into a monster.And will there be scenes where she turns into a monster girl (That is, so that there is a more human version).Not even a centaur, but in other monster girls.
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Love the new update! Although it is kinda sad to not see possession genre in all of those fetishes :c
Looking at my personal dev notes, I actually have a rough concept for one such scene... I guess I just never had the chance to implement it. I wonder if I'll still be able to make it before the final game's release.
Eh, too bad but I didn't like the 0.6 update at all(maybe it's the enemy list you made endings).
Perhaps you added the most disgusting endings that I probably won't even see. Since I have tags turned off.
Eh will have to wait for another update.
And this I will remember as the worst update for me.
Understandable. Given the wide range of fetishes contained in my games, it is bound to happen that a certain update will please some, but not others.
I don't know what that guy is talking about 😅 none of the bad endings were even vore. Nothing against vore, but if some bozo goes calling relatively tame fetishes 'disgusting' while (presumably) crying for more vore content.... yikes! 😬
I loved all the endings!
You need to move the debug controls. The F buttons control parts of the computer
True. You can reconfigure those at will tough, on the options menu, under control configuration.
actually you can't change those buttons, I've tried and it won't let me. I don't have this problem on the web version. The only one that works is by pressing 9 for the debug skills cheat.
Ah my bad. I've indeed implemented reconfigurable controls for the debug keys, but only on the most recent versions on patreon.
This free version here on itch is an outdated version where the debug controls are unfortunately fixed like that.
I'm at the Hallways of Insanity and I can't find the last switch with the sword icon to raise the steel fence where the checkpoint is. Where is it?
It's inside a hidden room, located around dead-center in the middle of the floors. You can identify it because you've probably used the skill to slide down underneath it, as there is a long 1-space-tall tunnel under it. There are 2 ways to enter it, either from above or by pushing a box to the right and sliding inside.
Well I have a question that you have already answered for other people but when you finish developing the game you will make a mobile version
No mobile version for MKM, even after 1.0... =-(
Really looking forward to the full version of this game. One of my most anticipated h-games for sure!
Thanks for the kind words!
Just tried this game and I have a few things to say. First off, I love it! It's quite hot, especially certain endings. Buuut it does have some downsides.
I should note, I am not trying to be harsh here, this is my honest critique from my experience. It's a good game, and it has the potential to be amazing, it just needs a bit of work to make certain parts more fun.
1: Currently, there's not much variety with the enemy types in terms of animations. Don't get me wrong, the fact that they ALL have animations specific to them is a big plus over a good few other games of this "genre" I've tried. But at the core, a good majority of the enemy animations (including some bosses) simply amount to "get dicked".
Not inherently a bad thing given personal preferences for who to get dicked by. However, it does become a problem when there are SOME enemies with unique animations, especially ones that are rather "in-depth". For example, the dog enemy in the markets has a full multi-scene "ending" involving multiple fetishes. As another example the crystal enemy in the mines is completely unique as an ending (even amongst other games I've played, it's a very rare ending). But that is two enemies with more in-depth animations, all the others are variations of "get fucked", with one or two involving going inside the monster in question. I'm hoping that this is simply a "TBD" thing, and that more monsters will get their own unique extra scenes.
2: The bossfights, past the first two or three, become absolutely tedious. Now, I'm not sure if this is simply me having missed powerups or items or what - especially as I wasn't really going for the powerups, a good majority of them were in places I didn't have a clue to get to and figured there'd be a double jump or something later to facilitate getting to them - but at some point I found progression into the next boss to be completely and totally tedious. The boss fights did up in difficulty, yes, but even when you figure out the mechanics and are near-perfect in dodging them, you're still looking at a boss fight that's going to take the better part of five minutes or more to complete, simply because they have so much health.
High-hp bosses isn't inherently a bad thing but when the attack patterns have so little variety, it just becomes a rinse repeat that quickly becomes boring. Especially as there's no checkpoints in the fight, so if you have the boss at half or less, and fail, you have to restart that minutes-long boss fight from the start. For some bosses in particular - like the Witch - this led to me simply giving up, because the fight was either taking way too long, or had so many mechanics that I couldn't possibly figure out how to beat it without cheating (and even then you get stunlocked because of the stagger mechanic and the inability to use debug commands a good bit after taking damage, making the boss fight take even longer). For the Witch in particular I figured I was missing an ability, which leads me into the next point...
3: The platforming in some areas is too difficult. I'm not sure what the difficulty of the game is supposed to be, but generally I would think games involving pornography are not supposed to be a slog. The platforming in this one is proving me a bit wrong. Now, don't get me wrong, platforming is meant to up in difficulty as you go along. BUT the difficulty in this game ramps up a bit too quickly, in my opinion. Going from the simple jumps in the first area to multiple stories in the second that almost immediately introduces long jumps, head-hitting jumps and other such jumps from the second room. By the third area it was numerous long, difficult jumps WHILE enemies are shooting at you or otherwise blocking the jump! I basically gave up come the fourth area because it was too difficult. At that point, when I gave up, there were enemies basically everywhere and falling at any point was basically guaranteed death - and not even the fun kind of death, no, the boring tedious death where you simply have to wait to die because there's no way to reset (can't f12 to rush to defeat because of taking damage not allowing debug).
After giving up I figured I'd rush to the other areas using the teleportation feature, and I went to the very end of the fourth area, only to find... Enemies. Literally. Everywhere. I'm sincerely hoping that's simply a "congratulations on getting through this but there's nothing past this point" thing (I did get through it, painfully, to find the "end of dev" sign) because having that in the final product is honestly ridiculous.
The bosses are a bit too tedious due to their hp being way too high, the platforming is frustrating at a certain point, and there needs to be a bit more variety in enemy animations.
Thanks for the constructive criticism. I'll address each of your points in order:
1) I can see where you're coming from, but unfortunately I can say right now that most enemies will not be getting additional scenes. While indeed most of them can boil down to "getting dicked" as you said it, truth is that for most people that is honestly good enough. Besides, it would be an herculean effort to have not only more than just 1 scene for all enemies, but also coming up with totally unique scenarios for each of them. That said, this is something that I'll definitely keep in mind for my future next project.
2) Agreed, some of the later bosses become too much of a "bullet sponge" as they say, with too much health. This is something that I'm aware of and when I do the final balancing pass of the game I will tackle and resolve this issue, either with more easily accessible upgrades for Maya or with better balance of the boss' parameters.
3) Yeah this ties up with the above point: since the game is still in an alpha state of development, I simply didn't give much care at all to enemy/boss balancing, which is something that I have plans to do in a near future once I'm closer to completing the development of the game.
I find the game not very difficult, especially because some power ups do become busted (dash bypassing mobs, invincibility bypassing the spiky dungeon area , shockwave clearing all mobs on screen).
And I do want it to be difficult because I want to get those delicious game overs without playing bad on purpose.
That being said, I agree that some bosses have too much HP, and some bosses ramp in difficulty to the point of nonsense
(Mausolea overwhelms you with spawns and flies all over the screen, gives you no time to slash back at her. The Witch to the lesser extent, still too resilient, but at least she gives windows to attack her. On the other hand, Werewolf needs to be tougher~)
how soon new update
At the end of July.
ok, thx
are there any plans to add controller support
Yes, I have plans to build proper support for controllers, but it is low on the priority list so it will only come later, when I'm close to finishing the final 1.0 version of the game.
Will there ever be an Android version, willing to pay for it
Hi, thank you for taking an interest in my game!
Unfortunately, there will be no Android version of MKM.
I will consider support for other OS when I begin new projects in the future, but for this current one, there will be no support.
A bug that I've run into a couple times:
Getting caught by an enemy while in a checkpoint (whether chess piece or level entrance) will cause you to respawn with negative health and spirit if you die.
Also a couple bosses are very damage-spongey, necessitating getting every attack upgrade for it to not feel tedious to beat.
Otherwise, I'm loving this game, it feels like it just keeps going and going, revealing new content when I thought I was approaching a finish point. For a 0.3 alpha there's so much good content in here.
Thank you for your feedback! Those bugs are fixed in the most recent versions. As for the bosses, indeed they require some fine tuning to account for different attack levels. I have planned a polishing/balancing development phase sometime in the future, to address those issues.
How do I access the arena? I go to the menu but the "Arena" option does not appear
Inside the gallery stage? Maya has to be inside the physical location of the arena. When you enter the gallery stage, go to the left wall and there's a tunnel leading into the arena there.
Once Maya is inside and you open the menu, the Arena option should appear.
where do i find the Arena
You enter it via a small corridor, located on the bottom-left of the gallery stage.
How can I enter in the underground temple?
You have to defeat the witch boss. She's located in the cavern areas.
And next?
this game is amazing, keep up the great work! hope to see more futa stuffs in the future ;)
Thank you. Yes more futa content is being developed.
Awesome game! May I ask, what’s in the full version that’s not currently in the free demo? Or are they the same for now? (The Itch.io version)
Also a few “bugs” I’ve noticed, in the castle if you duck and inspect the statue at the same time Maya will say a distorted version of the normal message. (Also is there anything I can do with that statue?)
Another one is at the marketplace right at the beginning. There’s 2 houses divided by a 2 wide gap, connected with platforms. If you jump down those platforms you can’t get back up.
other than that, awesome game! Glad I found it again after briefly stumbling across it on Reddit.
Im not really sure of location but I think you should have the fire upward attack by Market already. In that case you can use it as a movement skill and boost yourself to height normally unreachable.
wait… you mean dash?
you can use that upwards too!?
Not dash I think its different skill. Its upward attack with sword but Im not sure where you get this skill its a long time since I played it 😶
Hi! I'm glad that you've enjoyed the game. Regarding the bugs, I appreciate the report and those are already fixed in more recent versions.
Regarding the versions, currently the game is under active development so there's no real "full" version yet.
The difference is that here on itch there is an outdated free version, and by supporting me on patreon for at least $2 you get access to the current more updated version that I keep releasing as a go along the development.
The main difference thus is that the newer versions have new stages, enemies and therefore new erotic scenes for each of those, but in terms of overall gameplay it is more or less the same.
how do i tp back to castle
You need to have the "crimsom scepter", which is a teleporter item. Once you have it, open the pause menu and select the new option there called "Teleportation". Now select the save point you want to go to.
If you don't have the scepter yet, hit the debug key F10 to be teleported to the beach boss, who guards that item.
I have two questions... First one - How can you unlock the leftmost gate in sewers (the one with upgrade behind)
Second one - Is it intended when you are being "trained" by the dog guy in town that he can drag you through the save point which result in auto save and once respawning ending up with -100 hp?
1) Also in sewers, you have to setup an specific combination between the states of the 2 levers there. The right combination will open that gate.
2) Nope that is a bug! Thank you very much for the report, I'll fix it right away.
The door by the shopkeep, is there a key to open it somewhere? And if so, where is it?
In the current demo there is no way to open that door. In later versions I will add a secret room there with a way to open it.
do you plan to add an impregnation feature? Great game btw
Some particular animations and scenes might depict pregnancy, but outside of that there will be no dedicated system at all.
One of the best games I've played so far. 2 questions though, will the debug menu still be a thing on the finished game? (I hope so) and also sometimes while playing, my PC bluescreens (usually after 5-10 minutes of playing each time I load the game) but not when playing or doing anything else. Is this a unity issue or maybe a corrupted download?
All this aside, absolutely great work and looking forward to the finished game and beyond!
1) Debug/cheats are a possibility for the finished game, but it would reserved to some kind of secret unlock or cheat codes.
2) No one else had reported this kind of bug you're the first one, so I'm assuming that this is being caused by some weird combination of my game versus your system.
If you could please detail to me your system specs (OS, 64-bit system, memory size, etc) and which version/download are you using and I might be able to track down what could be causing this.
How to decompress the game on the Android system
Hi. Sadly I'm unable to help you, seeing as the game does not support Android systems.
What i need to do, that shop is be'll working?
I don't understand! Break my mind!
(I have a not demo version)
Hello, I do not understand your question.
is there a oficial date for the full version?
by the way great game, your doing an exletent job
edit: is it gonna have a price in full version?
Yes I will release the final version 1.0 of the game in this year of 2023, but there is no specific date yet. It's just sometime this year.
There will probably be a cheap price on the full version.
Ik it says downloadable for windows but what would happen if i try to download it on an iPad? Will it work???
Also the only reason I was able to play the demo was cause am using a keyboard for the iPad and it’s on browser so…
Loved the game tbh imo one of the best games I’ve played so far
But hoping it will have mobile controls or a mobile version of the game idk
You can download it on mobile but it wont run at all since it is an incompatible code.
At the moment no other builds of the game are in the plans, besides windows.
I may consider looking into an Android build when I get closer to releasing the final version of the game, but even that is a big maybe.
Heya! Will the full version of the game be put up on sale on Itchio once it's finished? I'd love to play it but I usually only play finished games. This one seems really good!
Yes, the final completed version of the game (coming this year at some point) will be available here on itchio, as well as on other store fronts like steam, dlsite, nutaku, etc.
Looking forward to it!
In my H-Game collection (And its pretty large one, dunno if something to be proud or shame of) this is one of the most precious treasure. Ammount of content is huge, levels are interesting and mechanics are cool also! Im not fan of vore, but I can get over it. Anyway.. can I ask you what engine and programs did you use to make this game? I was thinking for long time about trying to develop some game and since I have no previous experience I dont want to start with 3D game. My graphic skills are very low and this pixel style seems not so hard to learn (dont mean its easy but at least no rendering, skeletons etc.) altough still very good looking.
I'm glad that you've liked my game. I'll continue working and releasing newer versions with even more interesting content.
The software that I use are:
Programming/Game Logic: Unity and Microsoft Visual Studio
Drawing/Pixel Art: Aseprite and Paint.net
It lets me use my gamepad on the menus but not in gameplay, it makes me hold down the alt key to run when it works but last try the alt key didnt work either. the control config doesnt let me change anything control wise, if yilou can help me to get to use my gamepad i may consider joining the patreon, the game is beautiful besides the control issyes
Gamepad support is planned, I just need to get to properly implementing it.
in gloomy castle right near the chess piece there is a locked door but i don't see any lever near it.
You need a key to open that door. The key is found by defeating the minotaur champion at the arena in the city.
There are tutorials on how to convert from 64-bit to 32-bit with Unity, also for android. If you want, I'll give you one that I found, it's an automatic process.
Thanks and I appreciate the heads up, but honestly, I have no interest in building 32-bit versions of MKM, neither for android.
It's okay, I just wanted to be able to play it but I'll stay with the desire 😢.
I have an idea for your game. You thought about making a gameplay for the transformed Maya.
When playing as a monster (monsters of your race will not attack you while you are their race)
And also come up with a potion of reverse transformation into a human.
In this case, when playing for a monster, there will be a timer (loss of personality). When playing as a monster for too long, Maya forgets her duty as a knight and continues the life of the monster, forgetting what had to be done on her campaign.
And of course the unique gameplay for the monster (of course it sounds complicated).
Naturally, with the loss of all health, May simply dies (the animation of the monster she turned into)
As I remember the game would have become much more interesting and varied.
Interesting idea indeed, but it would require an entire rework of the game.
May i ask... What exactly is the purpose of the defense up tokens? I spend the entire game armorless, and there seems to be no way of getting it back (debug doesn't count)
Also, I'd love there to be feral canine or ogre enemies too, or perhaps rock golems who stomp the ground and stun you, then dash you before you can blink ~
More defense = less damage taken.
It won't make that much of a difference against bosses, since most of them hit like a truck anyway (unless you play on
babyeasy mode).However it makes a WORLD of difference when backtracking for missed pickups.
uhm... I suppose the future updates will have more armor/clothes to go around, but as of now, I'm nude all the time, and when nude, the defense does nothing. I think.
Right, when Maya is wearing her armor the defense value mitigates some of the damage. But when naked, it doesn't matter how much defense rating she has.
Indeed in future versions there will be a legit way to restore armor.
One day possession content will win the poll ! (I hope)
How would it work? Give us an idea~
A ghost will get inside maya and force her to masturbate. Afterwards, ghost will eject Maya from her body and take control of her body from now on!
I love it! I'd take it over another vore gladly 😁
You will be surprised with an enemy idea that I have in plans.
Hi! Sorry for the late reply, but am curious when it will be introduced :P
Or a pit of "living slime" that will pull maya under like quicksand, get erotic with her, then either spit her out or eat her.
I personally like your idea! I wonder how difficult / tricky it'd be to spot.
That idea came from a quicksandfans story involving samus, and a living slime pit that pulls her under, feeds off of lust energy, then spits her out alive and exhausted.
I'd love to read that! Where to access?
https://www.quicksandfans.com/bb/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=12553&p=87453&hilit=samus#... Its a bridge between the Quicksand sinking and vore realm.
Thank you!
Idea for a new "Entity", a floor trap thats a mix of Quicksand/sinking mud and Tentacles
Thanks for the suggestion. I have something like that in mind for a new enemy
will this game ever become available to mac users?
Have you tried using Wine?
Might not work, but, worth a shot :>
Hi. Sadly no, there will be no dedicated mac build of MKM.
Just wanted to leave a comment cus last version was amazing, really enjoyed it, keep up the good work Megablueball! Looking forward to the full game, soon or later
Played The Patreon Version and i love all the stuff you added is great
Thanks and I'm gad that you liked my game.
This one might already be suggested, but will there eventually be more outfits to choose from?
Optional costumes/outfits are currently in the "maybe" list of ideas, and so it has a 50% chance of getting in the game. This also means that it is not guaranteed and it will depend on other factors.
Mind I ask how you get inside the dungeon area? I already defeated Princess Sophie and acquired the dungeon key, was there something I missed?
It's the bronze (?) door. The one Not on the top floor.
As you're taking the path to leave through the castle front doors, there's a stair way leading down.
Got it, although what do I do there? I feel like i've explored every area in the dungeon. Was there a boss there?
I didn't find a boss either, so it might just be where it ends for now.
What's there is a great time, but, we're only on version 0.3 after all :>
yep, pretty good run and definitely had a good time watching the "scenes". I look forward to whatever comes next.
Hello author. I would like that in the game with a centaur, in addition to the usual vore and futa, there was also a scene of transformation in May into a centaur (as with a wyvern, a bee girl and a moth girl). It's just that all the other scenes turn Maya into a monster. And will there be scenes where she turns into a monster girl (That is, so that there is a more human version). Not even a centaur, but in other monster girls.
Yes there will be more transformation scenes, and in some of those Maya will retain part of her human form and be a hybrid.