The Upcoming Gallery

Hello there!

When I decided to start making my own games, one of the "vows" that I made was to always include an animation gallery in them; or at the very least, facilitate in some way or another the access to those animations.

If you're like me and enjoy playing lots of hentai games, you'll know that sometimes you'll find a new game with really enjoyable scenes but no easy way to access them after you complete the game, and that can be quite frustrating as you'll then have to manage different save files and keep track of where your favorite scenes are, which can be a bit of a pain.

While in recent years this issue has improved as the adult game industry continues to grow and more developers are including galleries from the start, every once in a while I still come upon a game where such gallery is nowhere to be found.

So yeah, animation gallery. I like them, you like them, so let's always include them!

Now speaking of games that do have a gallery mode in them, each one implements it in a different manner. Some have a place in-game where the player can teleport to, while others have just a menu option that opens an animations list. Some games will let the players spawn enemies in a special level, while some rare games will give full control over the animations themselves, allowing players to pause and rewind each animation phase and even change the looping speed at will.

My plan is to have all of those in MKM. Yes it will require extra work, but hey you're all being so nice and fully supporting me, so might as well put in the effort!

Alright so the 4 aspects of the gallery will be:

1) IN-GAME LOCATION: the gallery will be an actual stage in the game where Maya can move freely and even teleport to. This gallery stage is aptly located inside the castle and is accessible via the main hub there. You need the sliding tackle to get in there, so in essence the gallery mode is "locked" until you defeat the hill boss to acquire that skill, which can be done relatively early. Once you enter the gallery for the 1st time, this will also unlock the gallery option in the title menu of the game, which if selected will simply load directly into the gallery level. The fun thing about having an actual stage is that I can add a lot of interesting things like the enemy statues that you can see above in the 2nd image. Maya can read the description of each statue to get a bit of lore and even some secrets.

2) ANIMATION LIST: when Maya is inside the gallery stage, you can pause the game and there will be a new option in the pause menu called "Animations". As you've guessed, it will contain a list of all enemies in the game and their respective animations. This will allow players to peruse any of their favorite animations and play them at will.

3) SPAWN ENEMIES: in that very same list, players will have the option of instantly spawning their preferred enemies in the game world, allowing players to setup specific mob fights for a challenge battle, or assemble their favorite enemies grouped in the same space to gang-up on Maya.

4) ANIMATION CONTROL: this will be a small window pop-up that can be enabled whenever Maya is grabbed in the game world, or when players are viewing animation in the list. That small window will have a set of controls such as play, stop, rewind, go forward, etc, essentially giving full control of each animation scene. This allow players to loop a certain phase of their favorite animations for however long they wish, and even set a custom speed.

Of those 4, the only tricky part is the 4th one allowing full animation control. This is due to the complex nature of certain animations such as the dog-boy and animations where Maya is transformed or eaten, because they have special logic tied to them in the code.

So please bear in mind that all of this is subject to change as is the nature of game development, and I'll have to design a good way to inject in-game control over the animations which can take a while, but yeah the plan is to have all of these features in the game hopefully.

Alright that about wraps up the gallery idea. I'll go back to work now because I also want to add a new enemy for the upcoming gallery update. This is an enemy concept that I've been meaning to add for the longest time and it will also tie neatly with the idea of statues in the gallery, if you catch my drift hehehe.

Best Regards,

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it's been like a year since this devlog was written, but i cannot access gallery which makes me have one question. Is the gallery still under construction. It says it does but when i go on google and search for answers i find videos of people using the gallery.

- Reginald Crane(OC) user


Great things, I agree such a games need a gallery. I like when the game has some mechanics and gameplay instead of a "get banged" simulator. But then the gallery is a very handy.  


Sounds pretty cool to me, also take a break ._. dont tire yourself to much